Keith J Ashton

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

in Cornwall

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practised in the Far East for over 2000 years. It is a
Healing modality that is simple and practical. It treats the Body-Mind-Spirit as a whole, and uses Acupuncture,
Chinese Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Lifestyle Changes, and Energy-Raising Exercises,
such as Qi Kung and Tai Qi, to restore the patient to Optimum Health.

Ultimately, Traditional Chinese Medicine is a coherent system, grounded in common sense
and useful not only for healing ailments but also for tapping hidden talents.

Acupuncture, herbs, foods and graceful movement are but tools to help you access your
inner being and furnish it with the fuel it needs to flourish.

Contact Keith

Phone: 07931 510502

  • flowing

Optimum Health

Optimum Health is everything to us, as without it life cannot be enjoyed to its fullest extent. To discover simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy, we need to have a deeper understanding [...]

  • Buddha


It is important that you consult your doctor and make him/her aware that you are considering alternative medicine for Insomnia, especially if it is steadily or suddenly increasing in severity. Insomnia is a sleep [...]

  • Mystical Mountains


Forgiveness is Essential to Achieving Optimum Health There is no doubt that Forgiveness plays a vital role in assisting us to obtain Optimum Health. Bearing grudges and therefore not forgiving will eventually lead to the [...]

Since my first treatment from Keith Ashton, when I was amazed by the immediate effectiveness of his skill as an exponent of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, I have become more and more aware of the importance of keeping the energy channels (meridians) that run through the body clear and unblocked.
As an opera singer I have always tried to maximise my energy levels and keep my immune system in good condition, but stress and fatigue have very occasionally weakened it, and so pathogens have invaded the body causing a reaction of soreness and swelling, and excess mucous in the throat, rendering the voice unusable.
It was on such an occasion that I first went to Keith. He gave me acupuncture and within 24 hours my voice had returned to its normal power, range and quality to the extent that when I sang at an audition that day, the impressiveness of the sound was openly commented upon.
Subsequent treatments have always left me feeling re-vitalised, with a sense that my vital organs were functioning more efficiently and with an enhanced vocal ability, available for use both as trainer and performer. – P.K